Thank you for the decrease in the cost. However what really has me rethinking my subscription (and I think I bought in pretty early on), is your lack of crediting The Good Liars on a recent post. That’s flat out not acceptable. I commented and you ignored it. Their work is important, they deserve credit and for you, another content creator, to lift their content without credit, is pretty shitty. It’s also shady. Those two do amazing and sometimes dangerous work on behalf of all of us. There is NO excuse for stealing content or not crediting it. Flat out.

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Amber, thank you for being a loyal subscriber and for writing in. I did not ignore you comment, I simply did not see it. So I'm glad I found you here. I try to always tag and credit accordingly, however this was a clip I found on Twitter that didn't have any attribution. I'm sorry that you found this oversight shitty and shady. Flat out. I've subsequently tagged them.

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This is a great move. I don't know if anyone else, like me, assumed subscriptions would change automatically but I just looked and it was still listed at the higher rate, I had to manually select the lower rate. Which makes sense, but worth checking your sub settings. (I'd actually been thinking of cancelling my paid sub as other bills mount up, but at this lower rate I definitely feel it's affordable).

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thank you evan! with the savings i chose to gift a subscription to a friend!

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